Nero, fiddled as Rome burned, as a human tragedy unfolded in Japan, yet another civil war broke out in the Middle East, our President choose to pick NCCA Basketball brackets, played golf, go to South America.
President Obama swore an oath that includes to defend to the Constitution and not to abuse it. Congress alone has the power to declare ware, to make laws to engage in military conflict. The War Power Act defines precisely what is required of the president before military action can commence. He disregarded both Congress and the Constitution by launching missiles and bombs on Libya.
He paid little attention to the civil war in libya. It was not until the United Nations Security Council approved a resolution authorizing force against Libya. Within hours US Military was engaged without Congress knowledge or approval.
It is this proof of evidence of two staggering realties. Obama refuses the to accept the limitations of government, particularly on his his office imposed by the Constitution. And particularly on his office imposed by the Constitution. President Obama considers the United Nations to be more sovereign and a higher authority than Congress or the Constitution . This event should be grounds of severe Congressional censure if not impeachment.
This issue is far more than simply pointing out the duplications of action {or in action}.
The fact is President Obama, disregards the Constitution of the United States. He submitted to the UN and engaged US Military based the authority of a few leaders. He puts the sovereignty of the UN above the sovereignty of the US. He is allowing the United States to be submissive to the UN. Continued submission to the UN, will continue to weaken our nation. Is those actions that bringing us closer to one world government.
It is my opinion that we are in the end times. God's purpose is being fulfilled. It speaks in Daniel 2 and 7 of a revived Roman Empire. The actions against Libya were initiated by France a remnant of the old Roman Empire. Daniel 7: 7-8 speaks of a charismatic individual that will propel...... President Obama is a charismatic individual, I do not believe that he is the Antichrist. I do believe that is actions are setting the stage. His continued submission to the UN and forgoing the sovereignty of this nation is setting the stage for one world government. The return of Christ the specific time of when is not reveled, we must be on watch to the Eastern sky.
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